API Documentation

Payout Payment API Endpoints & Authentication

All requests to the AT MOON DPS Private Limited API are sent via the HTTP POST method to one of our API endpoint URLs.

All calls to the AT MOON DPS Private Limited API require merchant authentication and merchant access key. Sign up for a account to quickly get started.
Sandbox payment can be also initiated while merchant set the service mode as test in merchant dashboard. It will be live while the mode will be set as active mode.

API Access credentials Key

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Access key.

Example Access key : 51a4bd18-5bc1-4eaa-97b0-c09323398883

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Merchant Key.

Example Merchant Key : 41d9eda4b67538fc8ad27e564ddde1bb7b20ad08

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Client ID.

Example Client UserID : 172

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Password key.

Example API Password : a90db387a3e3b8a22d923966326327c17e9a6ed6


The following example code enables you to get a token,depending on how you structure it. The perameter details are also below.

Param Name Param Type Description
access_key string Access key Required
merchant_key string Merchant Key Required
client_id decimal Client ID Required
api_password string API Password Required
                                user_id - XXX
                                utoken - 53XXXX48188XXXX
                                METHOD:- POST
                                Body raw (JSON)
                                "merchantTransactionId": "Atmoontest", //Uniquer request id to identify transction at your side.
                                "amount": 1, //Amount must be integer or doubled value.
                                "payment_for": "test", //Payment reason in string.
                                "payment_mode": "INTENT", //COLLECT|QR|INTENT
                                "callback_url": "https://example.com/upi/callback", //Please share this URL with ATMOON to whitelist the domain.
                                "payer_vpa": "9851200852@ybl", //This VPA is required for payment mode COLLECT
                                "customer_details": {
                                "customer_email": "xyz@gmail.com",
                                "customer_phone": "9999999999"


Example after Authentication Token Service Response

                                //Success Response.
                                    "status": "S",
                                    "message": "success",
                                    "response": {
                                    "success": true,
                                    "message": "success",
                                    "data": {
                                    "payment_method": "upi",
                                    "merchantId": "D7916FEC-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9E4C83CCD49E",
                                    "order_id": "ZYRO_861469",
                                    "merchantTransactionId": "Atmoontest",
                                    "transactionId": "UF20240108395353301152421",
                                    "intent_url": "upi://pay?pa=fpay.moonven@finobank&pn=AT MOON VENTURES PRIVATE LIMITED&tr=UF20240108395353301152421&am=10&cu=INR&mode=00&purpose=00&mc=5816&tn=Payment"

Payment Transaction Initiate

The following example code enables you to initiate a payment,depending on how you structure it. The perameter details are also below.

Param Name Param Type Description
beneficiary_name string Beneficiary Name Required
beneficiary_account_numb decimal Beneficiary Account Number Required
beneficiary_ifsc_code string Bank Beneficiary Ifsc Code Required
amount decimal Payment Transaction Amount Required
payment_mode string Payment Transaction Mode Required
api_token string Api Token Required
                                    API :- https://atmoondps.com/api/AtMoonPayout
                                    METHOD:- POST [ To Check Status Of Pay-Out ]
                                    CONTEN-TYPE: application/json
                                    REQUEST HEADERS:
                                    user_id - XXX
                                    utoken - 53XXXX48188XXXX
                                    BODY raw (json)
                                    "method": "PAYOUTSTATUS",
                                    "payout_id": "HOAD650297148300"

Example after successful payment Response

                                //Success Response.
                                    "message": "SUCCESS",
                                    "status": 1,
                                    "customer_name": "Jhon Doe",
                                    "account_no": "39628544321"
                                    "Ifsc_code": "SBIN0011243"
                                //Error Response.
                                    "code": 401,
                                    "status": "error",
                                    "message": "Invalid API credentials."

Verify Payment Transaction

You can check verify the payment transaction whether it is valid or not. After successful & pending & failure payment transaction you will have the response where you find the payment Reference No. With this payment id and your API Access credentials Key you need make a request to our server for verify the payment transaction.

<Payment verify end point : https://api.atmoondps.com/payout/status/:reference_id

Param Name Param Type Description
access_key string Access key Required
merchant_key string Merchant Key Required
client_id decimal Client ID Required
api_password string API Password Required
paymentReferNo string Payment Refer No Required
                                        API :- https://atmoondps.com/api/payoutapi

                                        METHOD:- POST
                                        Form-Data :-
                                        [amount]:- Enter amount to take settlement .
                                        [user_id]:- Use your login user id .
                                        [utoken]:- Use token from API token .
                                        [Name]:- Your registred name at the bank .
                                        [accountNumber]:- Enter your account number .
                                        [bankIfsc]:- Enter your bank ifsc-code .
                                        [payeeListId]:- Payee List ID .
                                        [transferMode]:- Enter Transfer mode (NEFT / IMPS / RTGS) .
                                        [remarks]:- Enter remarks of transaction.
                                        [externalRef]:- Enter external Refrence (Eg. 123456).
                                        [latitude]:- Enter latitude (Eg. 15.05) .
                                        [longitude]:- Enter longitude (Eg. 10.05) .

Example after successful payment Response

                                //Success Response.
                                { "message": "Success",
                                "status": 1,
                                "Transaction": [
                                "customer_name": "Jhon Doe",
                                "account_no": "69659120888",
                                "Order-Id": "123456",

                                //Error Response.
                                    "code": 401,
                                    "status": "error",
                                    "message": "Invalid API credentials."

Authentication Token Response codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Request Successfully and Validation Successful OK 200 Token successfully generated
Invalid Username & Password ERROR 601 Merchant authentication failed
Invalid User Parameters or Null Values ERROR 602 Token Generation request cannot be parsed
Internal Exception ERROR 603 Error in Token Generation Process
JSON Parsing Error ERROR 604 Could not parse web service request

Payment Transaction Initiate service error codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Payment Posted Successfully Success SU0000 Completed Successfully
JSON Parsing Error, Data in wrong format Failure TE0003 Invalid Request Format
Duplicate Payment Reference Number. Failure TE0005 Duplicate Payment Request
Null check for all field Failure TE0007 Mandatory field missing
payment mode missing if not opted for auto derivation Failure TE0008 payment mode cannot be null
Any other failure not mentioned in list Failure TE0020 Technical failure. Please contact support team
Invalid token Failure TE0012 Invalid Token
Unable to connect Pending ENQ001 Please inquire status after some time

Check Verify Payment Transaction service error codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Payment Posted Successfully Success SU0000 Completed Successfully
Wrong or Null payment reference number Failure TE0011 Invalid Payment reference number
Unable to connect to Bank Pending ENQ001 Please inquire status after some time
Posting Failure @ Bank Failure BE+ <4 digit Bank Error code> Failure message as received from Bank
Response not received from Bank Pending TE0009 Please inquire status after some time

PG Payment Gateway API Endpoints & Authentication

All requests to the AT MOON DPS Private Limited API are sent via the HTTP POST method to one of our API endpoint URLs.

All calls to the AT MOON DPS Private Limited API require merchant authentication and merchant access key. Sign up for a account to quickly get started.
Sandbox payment can be also initiated while merchant set the service mode as test in merchant dashboard. It will be live while the mode will be set as active mode.

PG Payment API Access credentials Key

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Access key.

Example Access key : 51a4bd18-5bc1-4eaa-97b0-c09323398883

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Merchant Key.

Example Merchant Key : 41d9eda4b67538fc8ad27e564ddde1bb7b20ad08

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Client ID.

Example Client ID : 61662

Register as a merchant in our system. In your merchant dashboard you will find the option for API Password key.

Example API Password : a90db387a3e3b8a22d923966326327c17e9a6ed6


The following example code enables you to get a token,depending on how you structure it. The perameter details are also below.

Param Name Param Type Description
access_key string Access key Required
merchant_key string Merchant Key Required
client_id decimal Client ID Required
api_password string API Password Required

                            $url = 'https://AtMoonDPS.in/api/uat/merchant/getToken';

                            $headers = [
                            "content_type : application/json",
                            "Authorization : access_key",
                            "Authorization : merchant_key",
                            "Authorization : client_id",
                            "Authorization : api_password",

                            $ch = curl_init();
                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,  http_build_query($parameters));
                            curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                            $response = curl_exec($ch);

Example after Authentication Token Service Response


                                //Success Response.

                                "status": true,
                                "data": {
                                "token": "bc783ce060410c9add9a6a862bda8ce02444c294"
                                "message": "Token generated sucessfully.!"

                                //Error Response.
                                "code": 401,
                                "status": "error",
                                "message": "Invalid API credentials."

                                "code": 400,
                                "status": false,
                                "message": "Client Id headers is required."

                                "code": 400,
                                "status": false,
                                "message": "Access key headers is required."

PG Payment Transaction Initiate

The following example code enables you to initiate a PG payment,depending on how you structure it. The perameter details are also below.

Param Name Param Type Description
name string Customer Name Required
phone decimal Customer Phone Number Required
email string Customer Email ID Required
amount decimal PG Payment Initiate Amount Required
redirect_url string Merchant Redirect Url Required
api_token string Api Token Required

                                $url = 'https://AtMoonDPS.in/api/uat/merchant/pg/payment/initiate';

                                $headers = [
                                "content_type : application/json",
                                "Authorization: access_key",
                                "Authorization: merchant_key",
                                "Authorization: client_id",
                                "Authorization: api_password",

                                $parameters = [
                                'name' => 'Tets Customer',
                                'phone' => '9193979193',
                                'email' => 'test@gmail.com',
                                'amount' => '10',
                                'redirect_url' => 'https://testapi.com/',
                                'api_token' => 'bc783ce060410c9add9a6a862bda8ce02444c294',

                                $ch = curl_init();
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,  http_build_query($parameters));
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                                $response = curl_exec($ch);

Example after successful PG Payment Initiate Response


                            //Success Response.

                              "status": true,
                              "transaction_id": "SRRJFUQ2GJPU",
                              "pg_reference_no": "PG202401300608275978",
                              "url": "https://AtMoonDPS.in/pg/payment/5bce5bf4239e288b947c451242e1030d88839dd6",
                              "message": "Payment Initiate URL Successfuly.!"

                            //Error Response.
                                "code": 401,
                                "status": "error",
                                "message": "Invalid API credentials."


Check Verify PG Payment Transaction

You can check verify the PG payment transaction whether it is valid or not. After successful & pending & failure PG payment transaction you will have the response where you find the payment Refer No. With this payment id and your API Access credentials Key you need make a request to our server for verify the PG payment transaction. Example code is below.

PG Payment verify end point : https://AtMoonDPS.in/pg/payment/{token}/response

Param Name Param Type Description
access_key string Access key Required
merchant_key string Merchant Key Required
client_id decimal Client ID Required
api_password string API Password Required
transaction_id string Transaction ID Required
pg_reference_no string PG Reference No. Required

                                $url = 'https://AtMoonDPS.in/pg/payment/{token}/response';

                                $headers = [
                                "Accept: application/json",
                                "Authorization: access_key",
                                "Authorization: merchant_key",
                                "Authorization: client_id",
                                "Authorization: api_password",

                                $parameters = [

                                 "transaction_id": "5LJOFI5QQB00",
                                 "pg_reference_no": "PG202401291047016345",

                                $ch = curl_init();
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,  http_build_query($parameters));
                                curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
                                $response = curl_exec($ch);

Example after successful payment Response


                            //Success Response.

                            "status": true,
                            "data": {
                            "status": true,
                            "code": "PAYMENT_SUCCESS",
                            "data": {
                            "transaction_id": "5LJOFI5QQBCJ",
                            "pg_reference_no": "PG202401291047016127",
                            "amount": "10.0000000000",
                            "state": "COMPLETED",
                            "type": "UPI",
                            "utr_no": "402961777989"
                            "message": "Details Fetched Successfuly.!"

                            //Error Response.
                            "code": 401,
                            "status": "error",
                            "message": "Invalid API credentials."


Authentication Token Response codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Request Successfully and Validation Successful OK 200 Token successfully generated
Invalid Username & Password ERROR 601 Merchant authentication failed
Invalid User Parameters or Null Values ERROR 602 Token Generation request cannot be parsed
Internal Exception ERROR 603 Error in Token Generation Process
JSON Parsing Error ERROR 604 Could not parse web service request

Payment Transaction Initiate service error codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Payment Posted Successfully Success SU0000 Completed Successfully
JSON Parsing Error, Data in wrong format Failure TE0003 Invalid Request Format
Duplicate Payment Reference Number. Failure TE0005 Duplicate Payment Request
Null check for all field Failure TE0007 Mandatory field missing
payment mode missing if not opted for auto derivation Failure TE0008 payment mode cannot be null
Any other failure not mentioned in list Failure TE0020 Technical failure. Please contact support team
Invalid token Failure TE0012 Invalid Token
Unable to connect Pending ENQ001 Please inquire status after some time

Check Verify Payment Transaction service error codes:

Scenario Status Status Code Remark/Reason Description
Payment Posted Successfully Success SU0000 Completed Successfully
Wrong or Null payment reference number Failure TE0011 Invalid Payment reference number
Unable to connect to Bank Pending ENQ001 Please inquire status after some time
Posting Failure @ Bank Failure BE+ <4 digit Bank Error code> Failure message as received from Bank
Response not received from Bank Pending TE0009 Please inquire status after some time